Membership has its benefits
- Sign up and get instant access to exclusive deals
- Choose up to 3 free gifts/coupons on checkout *
- Earn points that can be redeemed at Inside!
- Get email updates on upcoming promotions
- Speed up your check out process with your saved information
The Fine Print
Gift vouchers/coupons must be chosen during your checkout process and cannot be added after.
How to earn – Spend USD$500 – Choose 1 free gift/coupon |Spend USD$1500 – Choose 2 free gifts/coupons | Spend USD$3000 or more – Choose 3 free gifts/coupons.
** Points are earned for the base price of your service exclusive of all taxes and fees.
Earn 1 point for every USD$1 spent on accommodation, car rentals and experiences EXCEPT for Staycation, Caribcation and Corporate Rate bookings that earn 1 point for every USD$2 spent on accommodation car rentals and experiences. Flights earn 1 point for every USD$5 spent.
Points are not earned on add-ons. Points redeem at 1% of total # of points earned. Points cannot be redeemed for cash.
*** All points activate in your Flying Fish Rewards account on the start date of your service. They can be exclusively redeemed in full or in part on payment for merchandise at Inside! our online souvenir shop that supports local small businesses.
**** Donate the redemption value of your points to our Education Drive that provides general school supplies to different local organizations/schools/classrooms.
How to earn – Spend USD$500 – Choose 1 free gift/coupon |Spend USD$1500 – Choose 2 free gifts/coupons | Spend USD$3000 or more – Choose 3 free gifts/coupons.
** Points are earned for the base price of your service exclusive of all taxes and fees.
Earn 1 point for every USD$1 spent on accommodation, car rentals and experiences EXCEPT for Staycation, Caribcation and Corporate Rate bookings that earn 1 point for every USD$2 spent on accommodation car rentals and experiences. Flights earn 1 point for every USD$5 spent.
Points are not earned on add-ons. Points redeem at 1% of total # of points earned. Points cannot be redeemed for cash.
*** All points activate in your Flying Fish Rewards account on the start date of your service. They can be exclusively redeemed in full or in part on payment for merchandise at Inside! our online souvenir shop that supports local small businesses.
**** Donate the redemption value of your points to our Education Drive that provides general school supplies to different local organizations/schools/classrooms.